Many of us may not be comfortable in taking such large steps towards a fully sustainable lifestyle.

It should be well recognised however, that the ‘ocean of life’ is only made of small droplets. Zoom out occasionally. Change focus. One thing remains...


We must recognise that our existence needs a sustainable Earth. The goal may seem too surreal, distant, and far-ahead for some, but this is why the majority of our small steps in helping to save it MUST START NOW!


This website is still in early stages of development. It’s purpose is to offer help to all, providing solutions/ideas for small steps towards a sustainable lifestyle. I want to offer the examples that I use myself, or changes that I have made to my lifestyle, hoping to suggest how easy they are to use, and how accessible they are to everyone!

We all clean our homes... 

There are a seemingly endless list of areas

I seriously urge you all to FORGET USING WIPES! 

They are ‘single-use’ and ‘non-biodegradable’! They contaminate and litter the planet forever. It is so depressing that anyone would act so greedily. The eco-system feeds everyone so indirectly, they will be harming themselves, their children, everyone and always!

Spray & Paper towel......

It may be obvious, but it hurts me to see the sheer quantity of plastic bottles/sprays, that are bought, used only once, then thrown away. These bottles are bought and often used to hold the cleaning liquid only once.

By ignoring ‘wipes’, one is acting positively, but if they are just copying the disastrous mentality, with plastic bottles, ... why?

‘Replace, replace, REPLACE’ is yet another sickening mentality!

It is not only extremely sensible to re-use a plastic spray bottle, but it is also cost-effective! Win, win!! ;)

When the spray liquid runs out. Stop. 

What are you ACTUALLY using?... The spray liquid (which when investigated, is usually cleaning solution diluted in water).

You need more, so just put a small quantity of the concentrated cleaner in the empty bottle, add tap water (to fill the bottle).



Not only do you save a lot of money, but you’ve eliminated needless plastic waste!

Key links...

A number of wise, ecological cleaning products, from a growing ethical organisation.

A brilliant supplier of high quality, sustainably produced, bamboo based products

Energy supply......

OK, perhaps the largest of our ’Small Steps’ may be made from such a simple thing as ‘a choice’. Virtually all of the other ‘Steps’ explained on this blog, involve changes to ourselves, or things that we do in our way of life. Changing your energy supplier involves no real effort from YOU.

I decided a change was needed, when I found one company advertising renewable electricity.

I am fully aware that my powered wheelchair is charged with electricity every-night. Extremely valuable.

I am regularly online, using my computer, with my mobile phone on (as everyone is encouraged to, these days). Although I don’t drive a car, I am still a huge draw on energy, to be precise electrical energy. We all are. 

Gas, and Electrical providers all seem to promote themselves as offering clean energy, yet the above company was the first that I had seen which offered a 100%, fully renewable service. I could rapidly recognise that such emphasise was placed on this clean electricity service, it was likely that the gas may not be as ‘clean’.

Gas power may always exist as long as animals or Humans exist.

I figure, therefore, that electricity must be humans’ main focus.

Electricity was discovered by Michael Faraday in 1821, before which humans relied on gas.

We cannot regress that far, (I hope)! 

Since I made the switch, earlier this year,  more companies offer even ‘greener’, viable options…

100% renewable electricity IS ON OFFER.

Changing is so easy. 

Wake up. What are you taking permanently, from our world?

We have to use this option. 


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